The Star On-line: Digital Full Colour ePublication
Experience The Star newspaper like never before, in full colour digital display giving you more than just local news and sport.
The crystal clear display ensures you can keep up with the latest stories and issues important to Christchurch. It’s fully mobile so no matter where you are you can always stay connected!
Find a new way of reading local news. Navigate with ease around pages, pan and zoom into any article and click links to great local services and the latest deals.
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The Star ePuplication: We’re for Christchurch
The Star On-line: Digital ePublication Full Colour
Pengalaman surat kabar The Star seperti sebelumnya, penuh warna tampilan digital memberikan Anda lebih dari sekedar berita lokal dan olahraga.
Layar jernih memastikan Anda dapat menyimpan sampai dengan cerita terbaru dan isu-isu penting ke Christchurch. Ini sepenuhnya mobile jadi tidak peduli di mana Anda berada Anda selalu dapat tetap terhubung!
Temukan cara baru membaca berita lokal. Menavigasi dengan mudah di sekitar halaman, pan dan zoom ke dalam setiap artikel dan klik link ke layanan lokal yang besar dan kesepakatan terbaru.
Buatlah sosial! Berbagi berita favorit Anda dari The Star dengan teman dan keluarga melalui email, Facebook atau Twitter.
The Star ePuplication: Kami untuk Christchurch
The Star On-line: Digital Full Colour ePublication
Experience The Star newspaper like never before, in full colour digital display giving you more than just local news and sport.
The crystal clear display ensures you can keep up with the latest stories and issues important to Christchurch. It’s fully mobile so no matter where you are you can always stay connected!
Find a new way of reading local news. Navigate with ease around pages, pan and zoom into any article and click links to great local services and the latest deals.
Make it social! Share your favourite news from The Star with your friends and family by email; Facebook or Twitter.
The Star ePuplication: We’re for Christchurch